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I'm a  Certified Ethical Hacker Cyber Security ResearcherCyber Security Analyst कृष्णभावनाभावित

"Sometimes, It Feels Like a Super Power"

- Cyrus Mehra


Cyrus Mehra is a Certified Ethical Hacker and a Cyber Security Researcher, with experience developing WordPress Websites and Social Media Marketing. His background with Hacking, Research and Social Media Marketing & Promotion informs his mindful but competitive approach. Cyrus is fueled by his passion for understanding and analyzing the cybersecurity domain.

HackingCyber SecuritySkillsDefenceWordPressSOC OperationsNetworkingResearcherKnowledge

Research and publications

"Creating New Knowledge"

Here, I'm Creating Some Knowledge. Checkout some of my Research Papers and Research Posters.

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering • Scopus – Elsevier

RTCAIT’2019: International Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Applications & Information Technology



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“Learn as though you would never be able to master it; hold it as though you would be in fear of losing it.”

Check out some of my Certifications and pieces of training.

Yes, I Do have a good social life. May Be!

Just Tryn to be Social!
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Any Good Offers?

Just Consider my Job Profile.


Check out some of his Web Development Projects.

“If you think math is hard, try web design."

- Trish Parr
Uncategorized Projects

Check out some of his Astounding Projects.

A Device that can perform ARP Spoofing attacks • Arduino and ENC28J60 Ethernet Module.

A Hand Gesture Project using • Arduino and Python.

A Secure Chat Application in JAVA

App Development Projects

Check out some of his Android App Development Projects

"The passion for destruction is also a creative passion"

Wanna Play? or Destroy?

By Eric and Erik

let's talk

Wanna work together, or talk about an idea? Let's do this.

Cyrus Mehra | Official Website

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